
  1. Write a CC to store number 10 in variable called x and number 0x1A in a variable called y. Also store the sum of x and y in a variable called z. Store the following string : Yag likes emojis ^_^ into a variable called a. Output a followed by x , y and z each in a new line. \

  2. Write a CC to find the datatype and value of the following variables :

    1. {{$x := 10.0}}

    2. {{$x := .Server.MemberCount}}

    3. {{$x := 0xAB11615E}}

    4. {{$x := .Channel.Name}}

    5. {{$x := div 5 2.3}}

    6. {{$x := currentTime}}

    7. {{$x := .Member.Roles}}

    8. {{$x := .User}}

    9. {{$x := "ab\nc\\\"\n\\"}}

    10. {{$x := .DoesNotExist}}

    {{$x := ` ok hi hello bye`}} \

  3. Predict the output of of the following code snippet : {{$x := mult 3 2.5}} {{$y := div 10 $x}} {{$y1 := fdiv 10 $x}} {{$z := sub 5 $y}} {{$a := div 18.0 $z}} {{$x}} , {{$y}} , {{$y1}} , {{$z}} , {{$a}} \

  4. Predict the output of of the following code snippet : {{$int := 015}} {{$value := fdiv $int (sub $int 1)}} {{$value_int := add (toInt $value) 0xa05}} {{$int}}, {{$value}}, {{$value_int}}

  5. Write a CC to compute the radius of a circle given Area is 154 square units. Formula : Area = Pi * (r^2) ; assume Pi = 22/7. Also, find the perimeter of the circle divided by 3. (Perimeter = 2*Pi*r) How will you ensure that the answer is in form of a decimal number ?\

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